
  • The economy is one of the most important aspects of DayZ, under economy we understand the whole Loot & Money logic behind the server.
    Our goal is it to provide several different routes for farming items and money, so you as a player can play the game how you enjoy it.

    1 Economy Short Description & Design Philosophie

    The economy is one of the most important aspects of DayZ, under economy we understand the whole Loot & Money logic behind the server.

    Our goal is it to provide several different routes for farming items and money, so you as a player can play the game how you enjoy it.

    We focus quality over quantity therefore we try to balance farming methods so every activity brings the same base value, but the more risky and hard it gets the higher will be the reward.

    2 Loot

    2.1 Loot Distribution Visualization

    T1 | CommonT2 | RareT3 | EpicT4 | LegendaryT5 | MythicT6 | Godlike
    T1 ZoneX    IS
    T2 ZoneXXNOT
    T4 ZoneXXXAT
    T5 ZoneXXXALL!

    Weapons and other Items are categorized in:

    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
    • Best

    and this items are then distributed in the Loot Tiers, and those Loot Tiers spawn in different zones.

    2.2 Base Loot

    Base Loot is loot which spawns regularly on the ground without needing to trigger special events or open keycard rooms. The Base Loot is categorised in the following Tiers

    3 Money

